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  Gravity flow Froude number Ͽ...
  ۾ : ڱ   ID : sk2blue     ¥ : 09-06-07 20:17     ȸ : 13078    
ȳϼ? ̰ Խǿ , ֽϴ.
ֱٿ ߿ ϳ ߴµ, ƹ ص ǹ Ǯ ʴ ͵ ־ ̷ Ź帮 մϴ.
ٷ Gravity flow ε. Drain system ϴ , Drain system 쿡 з ׳ 귯 Drain drum  , 쿡 Gravity flow Line sizing ؾ Ѵٴ ˾ҽϴ. Spec. 1m/s ƾ Ѵٴ ־ װͿ ߾ ߾µ, ڼ Manning equation Froude number ̿ؾ ϴ󱸿. Ͽ  ǹ ־ ϴ.
1) Manning equation
Manning equation ܸ ̿Ͽ ü 带 ִ ִ Flow(velocity) ϴ ˰ ֽϴ.
V is the cross-sectional average velocity (ft/s, m/s)
k is a conversion constant equal to 1.486 for U.S. customary units or 1.0 for SI units
n is the Gauckler–Manning coefficient (independent of units)
Rh is the hydraulic radius (ft, m)
S is the slope of the water surface or the linear hydraulic head loss (ft/ft, m/m) (S = hf / L)
غ Full flow 带 (ӵ) ־.
ٵ, ڷḦ 6" Pipe Half-full Ͽ ϰ, 6"̻ Pipe Three-quarter Ͽ ϱ İ ణ ٸ ϶ ִ󱸿.
Q=Di^2.5/{0.2874/X^0.5 * log10((/3,7Di + 0.5619V/Di^1.5 * X^0.5)^-1)}
X is gradient of pipe
Di is inside diameter
is roughness
Vis kinematic viscosity
⼭ ñ ι° Manning equation Դϴ. 6" Pipe Half-full(Criteria 1) Ͽ (Criteria 2) ؾ߸ ȴٴ ظ ߽ϴٸ, ƹ ص ذ ʽϴ. Article 'DESIGNING PIPING FOR GRAVITY FLOW' ñ ; ڷḦ ãƺҽϴٸ, Article ã . ڴԲ ÷ֽ ڷ ߿ ũ Ʈ ֱ ߴµ, ڼ ʾҽϴ.
ó ҺиϿ, ̷ ϴ.
2) Froude number
Froude number о߿ ̴µ, Ư Line sizingҶ δٰ ϴ. Ư  Gravity flow 0.3Ϸ ߸ Air entainment ִٰ ٴ ϴ. Self venting ؼ 0.3Ϸ ȴٴ ε, 縶 Rule ϴ Ʋ, κ 簡 Rule ϴ? ϰ ִ Spec clean water gravity flow ؼ 3m/s 帥ٴ rule Ű Ǵµ, Norbok standard ٸ 翡 0.3 ϶ rule ð Ǿ ִ󱸿. 3m/s limit̶ ȿ, Froude number 0.3 rule̶ ǹ̰ Ǿ ִ 𸣰ڽϴ. , 3m/s limit ϸ ڿ Froude number 0.3 ϰ Ǵ ǹԴϴ.
3) Standard
̹ Gravity flow Studyϴٰ Standard ִ ߰Ͽϴ. ƴ Standard ISO, Norbok, NFPA(̰͵ Standard ´.) ̾ϴٸ, Norbok Standard ȵǴ? Standard ð 귯 Update ǰ,  Standard ϴ ݸ,  Standard( ⿡ ´) θ ̿ȴٰ ϴµ ϴ ´ 𸣰ڽϴ.
ٺ, ټ μ ϴ. Gravity flow ڷḦ ãƺҽϴٸ, ÿ ڷᳪ 亯 ãƺ  ̷ Ǿϴ. ij԰ е Ź帳ϴ. մϴ.^^

ij Stefano   09-06-07 23:50
(1) Manning Equation
ù° ο Chezy(1768?)Ŀ Manning's Equationε ̴ Pipeline Gravity Flow ƴϰ ַ ̳ (Culvert), Trench, Column Weir  帧꿡 ϴ 뵵 Ǵ Դϴ.  S Slope ׸ R 帧ܸ ̷ Ÿϴ.  귯 ܸ 󿡼 ؼ 帣 κ ̴ ʽϴ. 

Manning Equation ̿ 帧 Ʒ Site ãƺ ֽϴ.

(⼭ R Ϲ Pipeline ϴ Hydraulic Radius 帧ܸ ױ̷ 4 Equivalent Diameter ϱ Ŀ ̰ ֽϴ.  Hydraulic Radius R = (r)H=(Cross-Sectional Area/Wetted Perimeter),  Equivalent Diameter, De = 4 (r)H { = 4 R }. )

ι° ο Ƹ Colebrook Equation ко߿ Ծ ֵ ģ ϴ.  Ƹ Ʒ 뿵 ġ ȯ ġ Դϴ.  e/D Colebrook ó ̱ Դϴ
"Colebrook Equation":  http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~mech371/handouts/Moody_Colebrook.pdf

(2) Manning's Coefficient, n
ο Ŀ n Manning's Coefficient ϴµ Ұ Site Ǿ ֽϴ.

(3) Froude No., F
Froude No. ü ߷¿ ˴ϴ.  1̸ ߷° ٴ ǹε
1 ū ߷帧 ü Supercritical Flow 帧 Subcritical Flow θ ִµ
߷帧 0.3ϰ Ǿ ߵ ȵǰ ִ մϴ.   

F Inertia force/Gravity Force = L^2V^2/L^3g = V^2/(L*g)

3m/s ġ̸ Froude No. Ͽ Norsok Standard ϰ ִٰ ϸ ̸ ̷ ԰ Դϴ.    L ɸ Ǹ ǥ鿡 Ⱑ Եǰų ϰ ̹Ƿ Ͽ ( ԰ ũ⸦ Ű) ̸ ϵ ϶ ǹ̷ ޾Ƶ鿩ϴ. 

Norsok Standard , о߿ ްִ ԰ ISO ̸ ǥ äϷ ISO/TC 67̶ Technical Committee ǰ ִ ϴ. 

ȭ, о߿ ü 帧 Recommended Velocity, Pump NPSH  ֽϴ.  Լӵ ʹ Ƶ̴ зϷ ϴ Ÿ ̷ Ⱑ ԵǾ Cavitation մϴ.  ߷ ʵ ϱ 帧ӵ Ƹ ̷ ġκ մϴ.

Froude No ġ  ǹ̸ Ȯ Ǵ Ͽ ͳݿ ãƺ Ʒ "Hydraulic Jump" ڷᰡ ߰Ͽϴ.  ִ Ǵϱ ⺻ ٷ ִ Ƽ Ұմϴ.

Froude Number : http://www.ajdesigner.com/phphydraulicradius/froude_number_equation.php

(4) Standards
ISO, Norsok, NFPA, Standards Standards ½ϴ.  ٸ ǥص ǥ ӿδ , Ȥ , Դϴ.  û ǥ ϶ õǾٰ ϸ ̴ "(Regulation)" ֽϴ.  Standards ͵ 迬 ؼ ̶ ǥ ո ȮǾ ֽϴ.  ׷  ߿ ( ) ƴϸ ( ִ)찡 ߰ߵDZ⵵ ϴµ ڵ ǥ ϸ ǥؽ ̸ غ ü ̳ б, Ȥ ٸ ο ǷϿ ǥ ϰԵ˴ϴ.  ׷ ݵ Upgrade Version ֽϴ. 

δ.. ǥ ȿô ̱ Ϸ ߻DZ Ϸ۾ڵ 缳 Ϸȸ Ἲϰ Ϸ ִ ǥ 鼭 ۵ ˰ ֽϴ.  Ϸ Ȱ ᰡ ڲ ö󰡱 Ϸǥ ϸ鼭 ް پ Ǿµ ̱迣Ͼȸ ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code ° . ̴ ǥȭⱸ(ISO) äν ISO/ASME ǥ ǥ Ǿϴ.

(5) ...

1) ̹ ؼ ĵ̳ ǥص ̷ Ȥ ؼ Ⱓ Ȯ Դϴ.  Ģ ĵ 츮  , ϰ ִµ 츰 ׵ ڵ ִ Դϴ.  Manning's ĵ 18 ߿ Chezy ó Ŀ ΰ 帧 ׻¸ Ͽ ϰ ij Դϴ.   

2) ļ ΰ ε dz ° ׾Ƴ İ ý °Դϴ.  츮 ġε ġε̳ ư ׾Ƴ Ʋ ϰų μ 뿡 ̷ ̶ ֽϴ.  ƾ ϴ ϰ ̸ Թ ¿ ȯ갨 ϴ. 

3) ݼ ıϸ鼭 Ģϸ ڿ ıϴ ̸, ڼռ ȯ δ(ۿ) ִ Դϴ.  ΰ ̰ 𸣴 "Ģ" ƾ ϴ ٷ ̰Դϴ.  ̹ 4밭 ٴ 𷡸 ܾ ִٰ µ ڰ ÷ּ.

, ֱ ѻ꼺 ִ Ѵٴµ.. ǥ  վ α θ մ Ѹ "ģ "Դϴ.  ƾ մϴ.  , ȸǿ̳ α Դ ̱ ϴ. 

4) ʰ ̿͵ ݻ ƹ̴ 38 â, ܿö Ǵ ü μ "ø" ġ ȵǴ Դϴ.  ܱ Ʈ, Ը޸, Ƿ, 42 ̻ ø ġմϴ.  λ ħ 42Դϴ.  ø ϵ ϱ ġ Դϴ.    âø ݴؾ Կ ұϰ ߳ ܱ ξ, ڵ ߽ɿ "âø" ġ ϰ ִ Ϳ ""ϰ ֽϴ.  װ ֺ л ̸ Ͽ ְڴٰ ⵿ ִ Դϴ.  ൿ ְ ְų X Ӱ ѽɽ⸸ մϴ.  ̱ д ڵ â ø ġݴ뿡 ּ.  ؼ ȵǴ ϴڵ ѹ̵ "Ǹ"Դϴ. 

5) ؾ 򰡿 ̹ Ѽյ Ѵٸ鼭 δ 40~50 ѹ̳ ڶȸü ؾ Ѽؼ  ǰڽϱ?  ѵ , ׸ ڵ 츮󿡼 ֳ?  ȵǴ ġü Ӽ...?  6.25 ֳ?  γ ġü̳ ǿ ߻̾ƾ մϴ.  ׵ Ӽ ֽϴ.

6) Ǿ Դ ߱ Ȥ Ѽյ ⿡ ֽϴ.  ۿ ִ ϴ.  ε ѱ ѼϷ ʾҽϴ.  ׷ δ ? δ "ö" ִ ǽ ൿ ̰ ֽϴ. 

7) ڱ ̷ ̾߱⸦ ϴ ڰ ٷ "Manning's Equation Ͽ ϸ 踦 ų ÷ ۿ÷ ˾ þ Դϴ.  M λ 23 ΰ 谡 ۿ÷ º 󸶳 ɱ?  ߿ ȸ ÷ε ϰڽϴ.  غ Ƹ ϳ⿡ º º  մϴ.  ̷ ε δؾ մϴ.  ͱ Ҽ ڰ ì, δ ο..װ͵ ڼմ δ...̷ ֳ?   

8) ڰ ̸ ϴ ڿ, ׸ 츮 츮 ̰ õ ݼ ϸ ƹ ո 䵵 ġ ʰ ѼϷ ൿ ϱ Դϴ.  ڿ 츮 Դϴ.   ؼ Ѽϵ ؼ ȵ˴ϴ.
ڱ sk2blue   09-06-08 22:22
ij ڼ 亯 帳ϴ.
ϵ ñߴ ͵ ؼҵǾϴ.^^
̰ 鷯 亯 鼭, Ͽ Ƿ ׿ ijó Ͼ ذ մϴ. Ư, ȸ ִٴ ϴ.
׻ ϰ, ִ ⺻ Ϸ , Ŀ ϰ ִ ڽ ߰ϰ մϴ. ᱹ ͵ ڿ ġ̰, ׿ δٰ մϴٸ, װ ʹ ʽϴ. ij ó ֱ ̽ ̷ ڿ ġ Ž ū Ǽȯ ݺǴ ϴ. ׷ ̷ ν, ϴ.
shj    10-09-09 15:48
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