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  ȥհ տ
  ۾ :    ID : sangdee     ¥ : 08-04-15 10:33     ȸ : 28730    
450m3/min  40
550m3/min  800 Ⱑ ȥս ǿ µ ?

Ű    08-04-15 11:26
з  ϸ m3/min nm3/min Ǵ ϰ,
800 degC µ Ƽ Ⱑ ׳ Ⱑ ϰ
ϸ ??? 450 + 550 nm3/miṉ µ 472 degCԴϴ.
Stefano    08-04-15 12:47
(1) ռ "Ű" 亯 ǥػ Nm3/min ϸ Ǵ ׳ մϴ.  ǰ ǥػ Ƿ ȯǾ ֱ   ü = 450 Nm3 + 550 Nm3 = 1000 Nm3./min   µ Ǿ ֽϴ. 

40~800 ٰ Ͽ µ ؾ մϴ.

ȥհ µ T ϸ      (Ⱑ ) = (°Ⱑ )
        (450 Nm3/min)*Cpm1*(T-40) = (550 Nm3/min)*(Cpm2*(800-T) .....................(1)

̷κ ϸ  T =  (450*40)+(550*800)/(1000) = 458 ..................................(2)
꿡  40~T Cpm1  800~T պ Cpm2  ٰ (2) պ ٸٸ Cpm1, Cpm2 ־־ մϴ.

(2) ǰ µ Ƕ ϸ ̸ ǥػ Ƿ ȯؼ ؾ մϴ  з ̶ ϰ  Ǵ

V1 = 450 *(273.15)/(273.15+40),  Nm3/min 
V2 = 550 *(273.15)/(273.15+800), Nm3/min

V total = (V1 + V2) Nm3/min 

µ (1) 450, 550 V1, V2 ؼ ؾ մϴ .

(3) ?
40~T T~800 ʽϴ. µ ϱ   Cpm1<Cpm2 ˴ϴ. 


Ʒ ־ϴ.  T ϶ ´ ġ(Ʒ Point Value) µ ޶ ٸ ˴ϴ 

:    Cp = a + bT + cT^3 + .............(3)

µ T1~T2     Cpm  =  (Cp dT)/(T2-T1).............(4)
(4)Ŀ (3) Cp Ͽ ؾ մϴ. 

                    Cpm =[ a(T2-T1) + (b/2)(T2^2-T1^2) + (c/3)(T2^3-T1^3)+....}/(T2-T1) .............(5)

(5) ̶ ϸ (5) ؾ մϴ.  ׷  µ T 𸣱 (5)İ (1) ̿ؼ ̿ؼ ؾ մϴ. 
T ϰ Cpm1 Cpm2 Ѵ (1)Ŀ ־ T T ½ϴ.

ٰ 458κ ϸ 2~3 ϰ ֽϴ.
̷ ϸ ̳ ̿ϸ ˴ϴ.
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