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   BLOWER Capa
  ۾ : 񸶸 硦   ID : 񸶸 罿     ¥ : 00-00-00 00:00     ȸ : 11362    
ȭμ ȭ忡 ϸ鼭 ̸
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켱 ް Blower ֽϴ.
ϴ ε Balance ȸ¾
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blower Capa: 350m3/min, 1760rpm, 37kw, 350mmAq
  motor : 71.7A, 57A ϰֽϴ.
Main pipe 30inch*40m Branch pipe 8inch * 4
Ǿֽϴ. 24ð
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켱 ڴԲ Capa Ҽ ִ
ζ ֽø ſ ϰڽϴ.
׷.. ٸڽϴ.

Stefano Stefano   39-08-02 00:00
(1) ġ Blower 뷮 ִµ Capa ϴ ñմϴ.

(2) Central Vacuum System ΰ ִ µ "Balance ʴ´" ǹ̴ Blower 鸲() ִٴ ǹ, ƴϸ Ҹ ȣ (Ǵ ) 뷱 ߱ ƴٴ ..

(3) ߾߽ ġ ΰ ִµ Ի° ٸ Ǵ Ȯ Դϴ.  ġ ϰų ̾(Draft Gauge) з ޼ ϰԴϴ. 

Ϻ Ա κп ϴ Ի° ϴ.  ʿϰ ߺ갡 ִ Ȯ غ ̵ ۷ ݾƵδ ʿ Դϴ. 

(3) Ե е ߿ üӵ(Settling Velocity) ִµ ̴ Ա ܸ鿡 ̾߱ ̰ Աκ ָ ( ) ϴ ʹ ֽϴ.   

(4) ߻Ǵ ϵ ؾ߸ ȮǾ ȯ ֽϴ. ۿ ڼ ּ.   
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