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  ⿡ after cooler
  ۾ : ö   ID : ö     ¥ : 00-00-00 00:00     ȸ : 43749    
AIR ϴ ٴܾ⿡ after cooler Ϸ մϴ.

AIR ϴ 3 ⿡ з 5.5kg/cm2̰ Ĵܿ ִ after cooler AIR µ 40ɱ ðմϴ.


1. κо (AFTER COOLER з¼ս )
2. Ϸ () (° ٰ Ǿ մϴ.)
3. 1 µ
    T2= T1+(W)/(m*Cp) 
  ( T2: 1 µ, T1: 1 Կµ, W: , m:, Cp:к )
5. 1 ð
  (Cp: )
6. ( 80% )
  ( M1: ڷ, M2: ڷ, :, P: ȭ, P: )
7. ü
8. ԰
  (P:, V: (m3/h), R: ü, T:԰ µ)
9. ԰
10. 1 ð (AFTER COOLER Ĵ) ⹫Կ Ը
  = ԰ з - ð з

2, 3 ° ð, մϴ.
ִ κ ִ Ȯ ּ մϴ.

Stefano Stefano   39-08-02 00:00
0) ϴ.

(1) "T2= T1+(W)/(m*Cp)"
̴ ڸ " µ ̾" ǹ ε ̴ ʽϴ. з» ƴ϶ µ մϴ. ܿȤ (Ʈ )° ãƺ. 

ð Q ˰ ð ϴ Դϴ. ð ϴ "" Ǵ ῭ Բ Ǿ Ѵٴ Դϴ. ⼭ ð(Q) Ǿ ֽϴ. 

(3): "X=(M1/M2)*(*P)/(P-P)"
Դ ԰ Ƿ (M1/M2) ƴ϶ (M2/M1) մϴ.

(4) ȥհ " R=(R/M1+(R/M2)*X)/(1+X) "
1,2 ߷ x1, x2 ԵǾ ְ R1, R2 ȥհ R
R = x1*R1+x2*R2 Ǵµ ̻մϴ.
ؾ ʿ伺 ǹԴϴ.

(4)԰   "G=(PV)/R*T"
ȥհ ⷮ G ϰ (߷ ߷ Ÿ X ϸ Է(A)   A = (1+X)G ˴ϴ.  ʿ䰡 ϴ.
(5) ԰ " Gw=Gw*X
ٷ (4) üⷮ Ը ϵ
üⷮ(A) = (ⷮ) + (з)
A = G + X*G = (1+X) G
Ŀ X*G ٷ (з) Դϴ.
  " = ԰ з - ð з"

з ⷮ ϸ Ȯ ֽϴ.

Ư ð⸦ ģ µ 40 ϸ ð ߿ 40 ȭ· ϴ 찡 üз¿ оиŭ Է ˴ϴ.

з  P ϸ (40 p ϸ) Է

% = (p/P)* 100m% -------(1)

ǰ ̸ Ÿ
= p/(P-p) [mol/mol Dry Air] -------------(2)
Ÿ ߷ г󵵸 Ÿ (, 1kg kg) ġ (2) ڿ ڷ(M2), и ڷ(M1) ָ ˴ϴ.

(kg/kg Dry Air) = (p*M2)/{(P-p)*M1} --(3)

(3) ̿ؼ ð Ĵ ˰ ָ ǿ ŵǴ ֽϴ.

1 ⱸ ð з (kg /kg )
= (1 ð ⱸ µ ȭ )-(԰

2 ⱸ ð з (kg /kg )
=(2 ðⱸ ȭ ) - (2 ȭ )

1kg ⿡ ü ⷮ ָ ֽϴ.

ʹ ؼ ϰ ֽϴ.

ٽ (3)Ŀ ϴ Դϴ.

ǹ ߰ ٶϴ
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