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ٽ ѹ 亯 帳ϴ.

èȿ Ұ Ⱑ οµ 5~25 14% ġ µ ΰ?

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̱ȭ ̱ȭ   39-08-02 00:00
亯 帳ϴ.
Stefano Stefano   39-08-02 00:00
(1) "" ϰ ־.

(2) ռ ۿ Ʋֽϴ.

Maximum Humidity, H, (kg-mole Water/kg-mole Dry Gas)
H, max = p/(P-p), (moleH2O/mole Dry Gas)
= 3.013/(760-3.013), (mole H2O/mole Dry Gas)
=0.003980 mole H2O/mole Dry Gas

̰ ´ ̰ ִ ( ȭ) ˴ϴ.

100% Ÿ ̸ "% RH" Ǵ " %" Ÿϴ.

(3) Ȳ ȭ 14% ϸ ˴ϴ.

Ÿ = 0.00398 *(18.02/ڷ) * 14% ..  kg Water/kg Dry Gas

...14 %RH
Stefano Stefano   39-08-02 00:00
(1) èȿ  ְ,
Ǵ Ⱑ ü· ä ,
µ -5 ǰ ִٰ ϸ

ִ ִ ˴ϴ
p = -5 () = 3.013 torr
P = = 760 torr

(2) è ִ (Maximum Moisture)
(mol% H2O, maximum) = p/P
= (3.013/760)x100% = 0.3964 m% = 3964 mppm
mol(, %, ppm) Դϴ.

(3) ̸ Ÿ ˴ϴ.

Maximum Humidity, H, (kg-mole Water/kg-mole Dry Gas)
H, max = p/(P-p), (moleH2O/mole Dry Gas)
= 3.013/(760-3.013), (mole H2O/mole Dry Gas)
=0.3980 mole H2O/mole Dry Gas

(4) 츮 ⹫Դ Է Ÿ ڿ ڷ, и ڷ ָ ˴ϴ.

(, kg Moisture/kg Dry Gas) = p/(P-p)*(18.02/ ڷ)

(5) è Ⱑ ԵǾ µ -5 Ǹ, ܿ (Snow) ˴ϴ.

ؼ " Դϴ."

14% µ ̰ -25 ̺ ξ ⶧ Ұ Դϴ.

谡 ׷ ġ Ÿ´ٰ ϸ 迡 پ Ÿ ܼ ġ ̰ Դϴ. 
ξ    07-10-09 12:13
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