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  TSO(Tight shut off) valve ΰ?
  ۾ :    ID : jun8111     ¥ : 10-10-18 15:52     ȸ : 14740    
TSO(Tight shut off) valve ~

ij Stefano   10-10-19 16:59
(1) ʰ ۼ ִ Tight Shut-off(TSO) 긦 ϴµ ַ Valve Seat Soft (, , ) Ǿִ 긦 ǹմϴ.  ġ ڷḦ ãƺ ã ϴ. 
(Ȥ ߿ TSO ġ ˰ ִٸ ߰ ٶϴ. )

(2) ڵ 쿡 ANSI/FCI-70-2 ԰ Class VI 긦 ϰ ġ õǾ ֽϴ.
 jun8111   10-10-20 23:29
մϴ! ^^
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