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  k=Cp/Cv, Specific Heat ratio Դϴ.
  ۾ :    ID : jddast     ¥ : 11-01-05 16:34     ȸ : 11657    
2011 ذ ҽϴ. غ ̵ .
2011 ù Specific Heat Ratio(k) Դϴ. CompressorĴ з ϴµ ߿ Ҵ Efficiency kԴϴ. Efficiency ̷δ ġ̹Ƿ Խϴ. , ݱ k Ethylene 100% Compressor 꿡 ǹ ߻Ͽϴ.
) Ethylene(C2H4) 100% Feed  Reciprocating Compressor P=18 -> 60 kg/cm2g  ,
     T1(inlet)= -30, =6000 kg/h, ̶ T2 ϰ մϴ. (Isentropic Efficiency=64.7% ) 

1) T2 ϱ  kԴϴ. ڷῡ ϸ T2=46 ϴ. ׷ ؼ Delta T=76 (=30+46) ; Ѵٴ оƷ k 1.188̶ ɴϴ.
2) Simulation tool (Aspen Plus, Hysys )̿Ͽ T2=66 Խϴ. 66 ߱ k=1.243 ̶ ɴϴ. Efficiencyΰ ؼ 100% ٲپ 51.7 ٸ ġ ϴ.
3) Simulation â Isentropic Exponent(k)=1.1948 ̿ϴ. k Ѵٸ T2=48.6 ڷ ġ(46) ϳ Simulation 66 ̰ ϴ. ߸ ϱ?
4) Inlet Discharge stream  k simulation 3 ֽϴ.
Cp/(Cp-R)=1.177, 1.138 each         Cp/Cv=1.699, 1.197 each    Cp/Cv(Ent. Method)=1.003 each
ù° Ideal Gas϶ Դϴ. (ֳĸ Cp+Cv=R ̻ü ) ׷ٸ ΰ ǹ?
5) 4 ǰ Ǵ հ ־ ϴ 66 ʽϴ. (2 66  k=1.243) ü simulation α׷  k ̿ Ͽ ϴ.
߻ ǹ ҽϴ. ߸ϰ ִ̳ 𸣴» ˷ֽø ϰڽϴ.

    11-01-06 07:37
𸥴ٴ ϴ. ( HYSYS Dynamics ϴ ϾԴϴ.)
 HYSYS ϰ , HYSYS k 꿡 ߴ ߰ߵǾ ֱ Ͽϴ.

API-520 ANSI/ISA–75.01.01–2002 (IEC 60534-2-1) ǥ ǿ , k Ǵ 1atm Ͽ Դϴ. HYSYS ߰ߵ Cp/(Cp-R) Cp 1 atm ƴ з¿ ߴٴ ̾. , Ͻ k Ե ϰſ.

õǴ V7.3 implement Ǿ, V7.1 patch support մϴ. ( Ѱǵ ..). Ȯ compressor ش Ǵ Ȯ ʰ 帮 ̴ 𸣰ڽϴٸ, HYSYS fluid package method ⺻ common ̹Ƿ Ƹ ش ɰŶ մϴ.

߰Ͽ, 꿡 ι° (Cp/Cv) ° Cp 1atm Ȱ ƴϴ Ͻø ȵ . V7.3 ù° ĸ ȿ ׿.

¼, Ͻô ƴ Ȥ ɱϿ ϴ.
 dinoboy   11-01-06 07:53
What's New in V7.3 ־ īմϴ.

Whats New in HYSYS Dynamics V7.3
Ratio of specific heats calculation by Semi-Ideal Cp/Cv method

In the Relief valve, the critical flow pressure ratio is determined by using the ideal gas relationship given in Eqn (6.46) of HYSYS Unit Operations Guide:

P2/P1 = [2/(K+1)]^(K/(K+1)) ............... (eqn 6.46)
K is the ratio of specific heats, and it is calculated by either <Rigorous Cp/Cv> or <Semi-Ideal Cp/Cv> methods. In V7.3 onwards, when <Semi-Ideal Cp/Cv> is selected, the specific heat ratio factor is calculated by atmospheric pressure (1 atm), while the earlier HYSYS versions use the process gas pressures. This change could cause differences in the result, when the process pressure is different to the atmospheric pressure.

Semi-Ideal Cp/Cv option for ISA standard valve sizing

A new option for ANSI/ISA standard valve sizing has been implemented. On the Rating tab, Sizing (dynamics) view of Valve model, there is new option allowing the user to select between <Rigorous Cp/Cv> and <Semi-Ideal Cp/Cv> methods. This option determines how mixtures heat capacity is being calculated therefore the specific heat ratio factor [reference: ANSI/ISA–75.01.01–2002 (IEC 60534-2-1 Mod), page 23] is evaluated accordingly. When <Semi-Ideal Cp/Cv> is selected, the specific heat ratio factor is calculated using the approximation, Cv = Cp - R , and Cp is the heat capacity of the process mixture at the atmospheric pressure (1 atm). This new method meets the ANSI/ISA standard and also meets the API 520 standard, for relief and control valves at choked flow.
Meanwhile, <Rigorous Cp/Cv> is the original HYSYS method, and it uses the process pressure condition, which is dependent on pressures and will then deviate from ANSI/ISA standard. Due to compatibility reason, <Rigorous Cp/Cv> is the default method in the Valve model.
 jddast   11-01-06 10:38
켱 մϴ. ¥ ū Ǿϴ.
API 520Ȯΰ PSV Ǵ k Ȯ 1atm and Relieving Temperature ̶ ð Ǿֳ׿. Handbook ã Ethylene 1atm kȮ 1.243(at average temperatures of suc. & disch. and 1atm) 2 HYSYS k ġ Ȯ߽ϴ.

߰ ñ
(1) ߴ HYSYS 3 k ش Ǵ°?
http://www.jmcampbell.com/may-2009.php    Campbell ڷῡ ϸ compressor Ǵ k Ǵ 6 ִ.

1) k at Suction Conditions
2) k at Discharge Conditions
3) k at T_average and 1atm
4) k at T_average and P_average
5) 1k 2k
6) 1k 2k, ߰зk

Ǵ ù° k 3, ι° ° 𸣰ڳ׿. Ư ° Ent. Method° ñմϴ.

(2) Compressor Performanceâ Isentropic Exponent ׸ 3 k ٸ󱸿. ̰͵ ?

Բ Ͻ "HYSYS ߰ߵ Cp/(Cp-R) Cp 1 atm ƴ з¿ ߴٴ ̾. , Ͻ k Ե ϰſ. " 3 Ǿ 4 ߸Ǿ ϼ̴ٴ ̶ Ǵ dz׿. п θ ϰ ִ° ϴ. ˼ ˰ ; ׷ϴ. մϴ.
 dinoboy   11-01-07 01:59
(1) ù° K Discharge T P=1atm Cp ü ̿ؼ ϰ ( P=discharge P), ι° Discharge T&P Cp/Cv ̰, ° (ü 鿩 ʾ) PH ÷ κ Cp/Cv ϰ ϴ. (׸ ߿ ƴѵ..)

(2) Isentropic exponent runtime ΰ ٸ ϴµ, ù° ι° k ̰ų, ش (proprietary .. ü ʰڽϴ.. ˼..) ʴٸ isentropic ÷ (PS flash) density Feed density feed discharge зº ̿, Ʒ ϰ ֳ׿.

densityratio = (1/Rho_isen) / FeedDensity
pressureratio = ProductPressure/FeedPressure
IsentropicExponent = Log(pressureratio)/Log(densityratio)
 jddast   11-01-07 16:26
ģ 亯 մϴ. Isentropic exponent Ŀ ؼ 縦 غ߰ڳ׿.
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