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  ۾ : romanus   ID : soongu99     ¥ : 08-07-08 10:03     ȸ : 9521    

ʴϴ. ij.

׻ ⼭ ġ ȭ ʺԴϴ.

ϵ 䵵 κ Ƚϴ.


ȯ ü

ȯⰡ ׼ ǴܵǾ SimulationϿϴ.

ȯ H-AJM Ÿ Shell Vapor Tube C/W Condensingϴ E/X̸,

  Tube Valve Դ 1/3 Throttling Ͽ ϰ ֽϴ.

Drum µ ַΰ ־, E/X Size Ǵ Tube Plug ġ մϴ.

( Shell Design ⱸµ 78̳, 63 ðϸ(), C/W 10B 400m3/hr ̼Controlϴ ʽϴ.

ȯ A=286m2̰, U=500kcal/m2hrԴϴ.

rating ȯ (147m2) ִٰ Խϴ.

, ⼭ U 700kcal/m2hrɱ ϴ ҽϴ.



1. Rating U (500->700)ϴ ½ϱ?

2. U Tube Velocity ֿԴϱ?( 1.07m/sec -> 1.94m/sec)

3. U Ѵٸ, ȯ ȿ ٴ ε, ʿ U ϴ ٶ ʽϱ?

4. 3׿ ؼ U ¼ ֽϱ? ( U , ӿ Vibration , Fouling )

ij Stefano   08-07-09 15:26
Q1. < Rating U (500->700)ϴ ½ϱ? >
A1.  ȯ 갪(500)  谪(Rated Value 700) ߱ Դϴ.
ȯ 40% ġ ֽϴ.
Ƹ Condenser డ Ȱ Ǹ ɷ ũ ̸ ؼ ũ δ 찡 ϴ.  డ ġ Ȯ ϼ. 

Q2. <U Tube Velocity ֿԴϱ?( 1.07m/sec -> 1.94m/sec) >
A2. ȯ U Gas Side, Liquid Side, Condensing Side ũ ޽ϴ. 
ȯ Tube Side  ü Reynolds No 0.8¿ մϴ.   
⿡  Noncondensables ٸ Tube Side ȯ ¿մϴ .

Q3. < U Ѵٸ, ȯ ȿ ٴ ε, ʿ U ϴ ٶ ʽϱ? >
A3.  ݴ ϰ ʴϴ.  ؾ U ū U ؾ 뵵 Ͽ U ֽϴ.  U ʹ Tube Shelll Cleaning ؾ .
  갪 ݵ ū U ؾ մϴ .

Q4. <3׿ ؼ U ¼ ֽϱ? ( U , ӿ Vibration , Fouling ) >
A4.  U 󸶸ŭ ũ ؾ ϴ ڰ Ǵؾ Դϴ.  밳 ÿ ų Ӵϴ.  U Ȥ 10~15%   ȭ ū Reflux Condenser 쿡 Max Duty ϰ ߰ 10% ϴ Դϴ. 

Noncondensable Ư Vacuum Condenser U ũ 찡 Ƿ ġ ū δ 찡  ϴ.       

Tube ϸ Erosion Ŀ з¼ս ϱ Tube ü 0.5~2 m/s Ӵϴ.  νļ ū ִ մϴ.  Tube ʹ Laminar Flow 帧ν 켱 U Fouling ϴ 찡 ̻ ϵ մϴ .

Subcooling Ǿ ȴٸ Ʒ ذ ϳ ϵ ϼ.

(1) C\W ̶ ִ CW µ CW ޶  Ϲ 45 ʵ մϴ .
(2) Bypass Line ణ .. CWµ 45 ʰϴ

(3) Inert Gas (Air Ȥ N2) ణ · .  Inert Gas ణ ԵǸ U ũ .

(4) Reflux Condenser Subcooling Ǿ Reflux Ǹ Reflux ȿ ÿִ ȿ ̹ ̹Ƿ Distillate кȭθ ϸ鼭 Reflux Ratio ٿ .

(5) ׷ ִٸ CW Coil Ϻθ Ƶ.
romanus soongu99   08-07-10 09:59
켱 亯 ּż ϴ. ij.

ϽŴ E/X O/H Total Reflux CondenserԴϴ.
Optimizationϸ鼭, ( ȯ⸦ 2質 Oversizingؼ ߴ?) ;ϴ.

ϽŴ డ ġ ٽѹ Ȯ ڽϴ.

Ȥ E/X Designڷᰡ νϴٸ, Ÿ O/H Condenser Design Rating غڽϴ.

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