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   ⿡ ؼ..
  ۾ : ģȭ   ID : jsw4691     ¥ : 14-03-30 18:57     ȸ : 16084    
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Toluene Triethylamine ȥվ, Oxalylchloride, 2,4,6-trichlorophenol, Sodium acetate, + Diethyl phthalate, Hydrogen peroxide, ź, 30% ȭ, ÷Ʈ, , , , ĵ, б, 򶧱, öũ, 100ml ձٹٴ öũ, 50ml Ŀ, , , µ, , ɼ

1. 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 1g ձٹٴ öũ ִ´.
2. Toluene Triethyl amine ȥվ 21ml ձٹٴ öũ ִ´.
3. ձٹٴ öũ ְ Ѵ.
4. Oxalyl chloride þ ִ´.
5. 5 Ų , 5а ¿ ϵ Ѵ.
6. ü Ǹ б⿡ ħ ϰ ź Ͽ ôѴ.
7. ħ 쿡 ־ Ų Ը .


1. TCPO ְ, Sodium acetate 0.2g ִ´.
2. ҿ Diethyl phthalate ȥտ 10ml ִ´.
3. Ѳ ݰ  þ δ.
4. 30% ȭ 3ml ְ Ѳ ݾ ش. ִ Ӱ ش.
5. Ѵ.

̷ Դϴ. ƹ 縦 Ϸ ˻ غ ý迡 ʾƼ ħ
ް մϴ. Ƽ ˼մϴ;;
1. 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 2,4,6- ǹϴ° ΰ?
2. 1 2 ȥվ 21ml ִ°ΰ?
3. 1 3,5 ⿡ ִ ߰ 5а ¿ Ű?
4. 1 4 Oxalyl chloride þ ִ ?
5. 2 1 Sodium acetate ִ ?
6. 2 Diethyl phthalate ȥտ Ѵٰ ϴ ̱ ?
˷ֽŴٸ ϰڽϴ..

ij Stefano   14-03-31 00:56
(0) ʰ å .

(A1) OH ޷ִ źҹȣ 1̶ 2,4,6 ź ġ Ұ  ҷ ġȯǾִٴ Դϴ.
(A2) Oxalyl Chloride Һڰ 2,4,6-trichlorophenol ϴ ϱ ؼ մϴ.
(A3) ־ ϴ ߿ ַ մϴ.  ð ؼ. ٳ ؼ µ ÷ ¿ 5а ִ Դϴ.
(A4) Ʒ Դϴ.  翣 ʴ ̰ ƹ TCPO ߻ϴ Ƶδ Դϴ.
2{(C6H2Cl3)OH} + (-CO-Cl)2  + Triethylamine (C2H5)3N --------->  (C6H2Cl3)O-Cl-CO-CO-Cl-O(C6H2Cl3) + (C2H5)3N*HCl
(A5) Sodium Acetate ־ִ ֹ þ Ǵ 꼺 (C2H5)3N*HCl   ʻ ұ ֱ Դϴ. 

(C2H5)3N*HCl +CH3COONa -->  CH3COOH + NaCl + (C2H5)3N

(A6) DEP ̴ :  Ƹ TCPO ؽų մϴ.

(1) Բ õ ȭй  Ǵ° ˾ƺ ´ ȮϿ 迡 ϵ ϼ.
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