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  RO vs. FE(orifice type) 帳ϴ.
  ۾ : intheron   ID : intheron     ¥ : 13-08-12 10:47     ȸ : 12012    
ù° pipe, frictionless, T ϴٰ
P1, v1  Ĵ P2, v2 (Pressure, velocity)
Friction P = 0
, v1=v2=v .
flow rate(kg/s) .
ι° . pipe, friction , T ̶ .
P1, v1  Ĵ P2, v2 (Pressure, velocity)
Friction P .
ư P drop, v . flow rate(kg/s) .
°, Orifice plate
P1, orifice P2, ȸ P3
P3 P ٽ pressure loss P1 Ȱ ʽϴ.
׷ٸ ȸ flowrate(kg/s) orifice ϱ ؼ
״. پ ؼ ñմϴ.
׸ RO Control valve
RO hole ۰ Ͽ P ũ ְ, control valve closed position ̵Ͽ P ũ ༭
flow rate ٿִ ˰ ֽϴ.
ǿ ǰϸ orifice plate flowrate پ ٵ,
1,2° 쿡 غ friction loss pressure loss ־ v ״ο
flowrate ߱ orifice plate 쿡 flowrate ؾ մϴ.
w= *v*A
(w=kg/s, =kg/m3, v=m/s, A=m2)
ؼ v پ flow rate پٴ ̾߱ ε,
v Ҵ friction ñմϴ.
׷ٸ friction ؼ P ϰ v ϴ ñմϴ.
׷ٸ 2° case friction ־ ұϰ P ϰ v Ͽµ
̰  Ǵ ñմϴ.
orifice , Ĵ flowrate ϴٸ,
RO C.V.  flowrate ִ ñմϴ.
߿ Ʋ κ ִ
κ Ʋ ´° ˰ ͽϴ.

ij Stefano   13-08-12 19:28
(1) Orifice Control Valve ̵ տ Ͽ 귯 ü Ŀ 귯.  귯 귯 ٴ ǹմϴ.   

Ʋκ̶ <rifice plate flowrate پ ٵ> ϰ ִ ٷ Դϴ.  귯 ٸ  ݵ 귯 մϴ. 

(2) з Opening ũ Control Valve 귯 ϰ ˴ϴ. 
̸ Ͽ Control Valve "Opening "ϰ Ǵµ ⼭ "Opening"̶ Valve Plug "ü Stroke ̵Ÿ " ǹմϴ.  Control Valve Plug (Cone) 翡 Flow Characteristics Chart ޶ϴ. 
̰ . https://www.google.co.kr/search?newwindow=1&q=flow+characteristics+of+valves&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.50500085,d.dGI,pv.xjs.s.en_US.ciY8R2R6XC8.O&biw=1208&bih=869&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=ko&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=JLYIUpaJHoOVkAXmz4Ao

(3) Orifice з ϸ 귯 Ǿ ֽϴ. 
"̿"ؼ Restriction Orifice ޾Ƶ.

(4) Orifice Orifice HoleũⰡ з ν ̸ ȯϴ ̿ Դϴ.  ⼭ Ÿ з ٿ 귯ϴ. 
̰ :  http://www.filetransit.com/download.php?id=123763
intheron intheron   13-08-13 09:26
亯 մϴ.
ٽ  庸ڽϴ.

* ׷ٸ pipe ƹ͵ 쿡 1000kg/hr 帣µ RO ġ 500kg/hr پٰ ϰ
pump dischargeְ RO circuit̶ Ѵٸ
pump 1000kg/hr discharge ִµ RO 500kg/hr 带 ִٸ 500kg/hr 帣 ϰ
pump back pressure ִ°? ƴϸ ʿ pump 500kg/hr suction ϴ ñմϴ.

* ̷ ´ ñմϴ.
orifice з : P1
orifice з: P2
orifice ȸ з : P3

hole size ۾ Ȥ C.V. opening % ۾ Pressure drop(P1-P2), Pressure loss(P1-P3) Ѵ .
P3=Ĵ P + ű µ ɸ del P
P3 fixed( hole ۾鼭 v ۾ ׿ del P ۾ ۾Ƽ negligibleϴٰ )

P3 , P loss ϱ , P1 ڿ ϰ, velocity . .
(׳ ص hole ۾ ϰ ܿ Ǵ ڿ P )

*׸ ƹ͵ pipe orifice 谡 ġ pipe ϸ 谡 ġ ǰ?

ϱ⿡ orifice 踦 ޸ ҵ
hole size ũ ְų ٸ ġ ־ del P ۰( range ŭ) ־
Ұ ° ³??
ij Stefano   13-08-13 22:16
(1)Ȯ 1000 kg/h 귯 Orifice ϸ鼭 پ ϴ.  Orifice Area Type ִٸ ޶ Orifice  з¸ ޶ϴ.  帧 ġ з ޶ ޶ ϴ.

(2)Pump ο Orifice ޷ְ ̸ 500 kg/h 귯 ִٰ ϸ Pump  Discharge Ȯ 500kg/h ǰ ְ Orifice з Ÿ з ɸ ˴ϴ.  Pump ɸ з  Orifice Ա з¿ ɸ з з ɸϴ.  ׺ з̳ з ɸ ϴ. 

(3) Orifice Ĵ P2 ִ Ǿ Ÿ ǹϴµ ̰ ٽ з ȸ˴ϴ.  P1-P2 Orifice Ҷ з Ǹ  н з ̿Ͽ ȯϴ ̿ Դϴ.  P1-P3 Orifice ϸ鼭 սǵ зԴϴ.

< hole ۾鼭 v ۾ ׿ del P ۾ ۾Ƽ negligibleϴٰ >̶ ϰ ִµ ̴ ʴ Դϴ.  ִٸ з ִٴ ǹ̸ Ƿ " Negligible" ƲԴϴ.

(4) < P3 , P loss ϱ , P1 ڿ ϰ, velocity . . >
̸ ƲԴϴ.  ռ ó Orifice P1-P2 зκ Ǵ P1-P3 з ʽϴ.   

(5) <ƹ͵ pipe orifice 谡 ġ pipe ϸ 谡 ġ ǰ>
ݺǴ ̾߱  Pipe ߰ Orifice ۿ ޷ Pipe Orifice ٸٰ ϴ ϱ ϴ. 

(6) < ϱ⿡ orifice 踦 ޸ ҵ>..
Orifice 踦 ޸ з¼ս Control Valve ˴ϴϴ

(7) <hole size ũ ְų ٸ ġ ־ del P ۰( range ŭ) ־ Ұ ° ³??> ʽϴ. 

Orifice Ŀ ɸ з ؼ Ǹ ɼִ´ з º Ƴ DZ з Ÿ Orifiee ãƳ մϴ. 

Orifice ġDZ ٸ з¼ս ٿ ϴ ƴϰ Orifice ޾ ֵ  Pump з ؾ մϴ.    Orifice ġ Pump з ٰ ϸ ߸ Դϴ.  Orifce з¼ս ׸ ũ ʱ Դϴ.
intheron intheron   13-08-14 08:59
亯 մϴ.

ǵ ϴ.
<ƹ͵ pipe C.V. Ǵ orifice 谡 ޸ pipe >

1. pipe ִ . ܿ 10bar Ĵܿ 2barԴϴ. line loss 8barԴϴ.
    ⿡ 100m3/hr 帥ٰ .
2. ߰ C.V. ִ Դϴ. 10bar, Ĵ 2bar
    C.V.delP=3bar ̰ line loss 5barԴϴ.
    ̶ 100m3/hr 帣?

C.V. orifice 踦 ޾Ƶ ϴ Դϴ.
ó 踦 Ҷ margin ְ 踦 ʳ մϴ.

* ׸ Control valve
  Q=Cv*f(x)*sqrt(P/) ˰ ִµ
  Control valve P Ŀ f(x) ۾ Q ۾ ñմϴ.
  (ٽ ϸ, P ⺸ f(x) ũ Q f(x) ȴٴ ..)

ij Stefano   13-08-15 21:52
(1) Pipe з ɸ鼭 帣 ִٰ ϸ ̴ з¿ 带 ִ ִ DZ⵵ ϰ Line 帣 Ǹ з ɸ Ǿ ֽϴ

⿡ 帧 ִ Control Valve Orifice Ȥ Filter ü ȿ ġǸ
1) 帣 Ϸ з ÿ־ ϰ, 2) з Ծٸ پ մϴ. 

ۿ <C.V. orifice 踦 ޾Ƶ ϴ Դϴ.
ó 踦 Ҷ margin ְ 踦 ʳ մϴ. > ´ Դϴ

漳ڸ.. Pipe ִ ̵ ߺǰ Ͽ 帣 帣 Ϸ ū ʿϰ ˴ϴ.

Ͼ PID ۼ ü ̸ 谡 Ǹ鼭 ̳ ü ׷ Isometric Drawing ׸ Line   Hydraulic Analysis Ͽ ϰ ˴ϴ.  Ǵ (El, Tee, Valve, Filter ) Valve Fitting Ÿ ǹǷ ʿÿ ũ⸦ մϴ.

(2) Control Valve
Orificeʹ ޸ Control Valve Valve Plug ̿ؼ Valve Orifice شϴ Opening Ͽ ֽϴ. 

Control Valve ũ з зº, յ Pipeline Pressure Loss "Piping Geometric Factor" Ͽ մϴ. 

ϴ Control Valve Size Ǹ Valve (Open) Position ǰ ׿ з Ǿ 帣 Ǵµ Feed Back Steam ġ ڵ ˴ϴ. 

Valve Plug ġ з ޶⵵ ϴµ Valve Position P ڵ ˴ϴ.  Control Valve Sizing ū ̷ ڵ  Controller Control Valve ˾Ƽ     Sizing ߸ ϱ ʹ ֵ ϰų 갡 ϴ 귯 ֽϴ.   

(3) < Control valve P Ŀ f(x) ۾ Q ۾ ñմϴ.
  (ٽ ϸ, P ⺸ f(x) ũ Q f(x) ȴٴ ..) >
Control Valve ַ P ϰ Ǵ ¿ 갡 ϴµ " ó", 갡 з þ з þ鼭 ð Ǹ ٽ ݾְ.. ̷ ġ鼭 ̵ ϰ  Feed Back ȣ ϱ Valve Position ڵ մϴ.
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̿ jay1218   18-08-20 15:42
Orifice Flowmeter Orifice beta ratio ؾ ϴ ˰ ֽϴٸ RO (Restriction Orifice) 쿡 Ͽ ϴ.. ׷ٸ ؾ ϴ ˰ ͽϴ.

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