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  ۾ :    ID : yhs0524     ¥ : 10-03-18 08:55     ȸ : 6553    
vitamin A palmitate 1.7 MIU/g ̷ Ǿ ִµ..
MIU ....

Stefano    10-03-19 16:47
MIU = Million International Unit  ̵ Ǿ/о߿ Ǵ ϴ. 

Ʈ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_unit

Mass equivalents of 1 IU
Insulin: 1 IU is the biological equivalent of about 45.5 g pure crystalline insulin (1/22 mg exactly).
This corresponds to the old USP insulin unit, where one unit (U) of insulin is equal to the amount required to reduce the concentration of blood glucose in a fasting rabbit to 45 mg/dl (2.5 mmol/L).
Vitamin A: 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.3 g retinol, or of 0.6 g beta-carotene in the USA [1], and of 0.3 g beta-carotene in Canada [2]
Vitamin C: 1 IU is 50 g L-ascorbic acid
Vitamin D: 1 IU is the biological equivalent of 0.025 g cholecalciferol/ergocalciferol
Vitamin E: 1 IU is the biological equivalent of about 0.667 mg d-alpha-tocopherol (2/3 mg exactly), or of 1 mg of dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate
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