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  Fire Hazardous Equipment
  ۾ :    ID : telomer     ¥ : 09-03-25 08:13     ȸ : 5754    
ٸ ƴ϶ Fire Hazardous Equipment Կ ־ combustible liquid flammable liquid handlingϴ ߿ ϳ ˰ ֽϴ.
Combustible liquid : flash point 100degF̻ 200degF
Flammable liquid : flash point 100degF
(1) Mixed fluid flash point Ͽ Fire Hazardous Equipment ϴ ñմϴ.
     Ȥ (flash point*mole fraction) ϴ? ƴϸ ٸ ϴ?
(2) Auto Ignition Temperature(AIT) 쿡 pure fluid ƴ mixed fluid 쿡  ˼
õ ſ Ϸ Ǽ

ij Stefano   09-03-26 16:35
(1) Flash Point (ȭ)
ȭ Ҳ ü Ű ִ µ ϴµ ̷ 캸..

ϰ ִ ü ǥ鿡 , ) = (/) .............(1)
" 󵵰  Ѱ 󵵿 µ" ٷ ȭ Ǵ . 

(2) ȥչ Flash Point(ȭ)
ȥչ Flash Point ȥչ 󵵰 ü µ ˴ϴ.
ħ ̰ Ǿ ֽϴ. http://www.uctm.edu/journal/j2006-3/04-Hristova-291-296.pdf

(3) ȥչ Ignition Temperature(Ignition Point, ȭ)

ڿȭ ̱̳ ǥ ȥչ ȭ ؼ ѷϰ ε巯 ҰǾ ϴ.  ̴ Ȱȭ ǰų صǴ ī ϰ ־ ׷Դϴ.  UFL(Uppper Flammable Limit) 쿡 ʴ ó  ȭ Ŀ ȭ ߴٰ ص ŷڵ ̴ٺ ÷Ḧ ؼ ؾ Ǵ° ϴ.
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