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  ׿ Ͽ.
  ۾ : ٸ۳縻   ID : pongpong612     ¥ : 09-03-30 22:48     ȸ : 5675    
  ϴ ǹ ϳ ܼ ̷ øϴ. .
  ( ʻ갰..)̿ȭ ̵ pHȭ ȭ۵
 ⼺ ( NH3 NH4Cl ȥ )
  ̿ȭ ̵ pHȭ ȭŰ° ƴѰ ..

*⼺ (NH3 NH4Cl ȥ )

1) (H+)

NH3 + H+ NH4+ H+

⇨ pH .

2) (OH-)

NH4+ + OH- NH3 + H2O [OH-]


⇨ pH


̷ ο....


ϴ ٸ .. Ȥ ߸ ˰

ִ ִٸ  ˷ֽø ϰڽϴ. ^^

Stefano    09-03-31 23:57
(0) ۿ ʿ ּ.

(1) ׿ Ǵ ī ÷ص pH ũ ȭ ʵ ϴ ϴµ 밳 , ࿰κ մϴ.
NaOAc, NH4Cl,   

(2) ٷ ϰ ִٴ Դϴ.
׿ H+ ϴ pH ϴµ ߰ H+ NH3 Ͽ H+ 󵵸 ߾ ֱ pHȭ Ÿ ʵ ϴ .  H+ 꼺 Ÿ H2O H3+O· ʱ pH پ ( H+ ߴµ 굵 þ ʴ ְ )

ݴ (OH-) ־ OH- ʰ NH4+ OH- ؼ NH4OH Ǹ鼭 pH (⵵ ) Ǵ .   

(3) Acid & Base ⺻ pH Buffering Function  ؼ ̰ Ƹ Ǿ ִ ϴ.  ī 긮Ƽ ÷ б ȭа ڷε Ǹմϴ.
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